Missions on Point
Missions on Point is the ”propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term ”propempo” captures the local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to the challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God‘s glory. ”Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International with MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. See more at https://Propempo.com and https://MissioServe.org Help support the podcast through https://bit.ly/Propempo-Operations

Friday Oct 20, 2023
MoP169 Missions insights from the Old Testament - The Promise to Abraham
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
We start a new series to introduce you to missions insights from the Old Testament. There are an abundance of things we could mention. But this series will focus on whetting your appetite with some personal favorite instances to highlight. The story of God's call and promise to Abraham is a crucial development in God's overarching purpose to bring glory to Himself in all nations. Genesis 1-11 can be regarded as an introduction to the main story of redemption, which unfolds here.

Friday Oct 13, 2023
MoP168 Missions on Point - The Local Church’s Role in Missions
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
We've settled on a shorter, clearer book title -- Missions on Point: The Local Church's Role in Missions. This episode is a reprise that corrects the previously announced draft title. There are current thoughts in the missions world that missions agencies should give up on local churches' participation. Agencies are seeking to harden themselves to become independent of local churches. That thinking is dangerous and unbiblical! Local churches must rise up and take serious responsibility for their role in world missions. There is a lot of clear biblical support for the primacy of the local church in God's program. Working against that mindset could be disastrous for missions agencies. The local church needs to step up to reclaim their birthright. We've seen wonderful positive growth in a number of churches as they grasp this teaching. We'd love to see regional intensive weekend trainings spring up across the US: SW, NW, Central, East Coast. Pray with us to that end. Pray for the impact of the book as it comes out. Visit https://propempo.com/resources/missions-on-point-book/ to find out more and show your interest.

Friday Oct 06, 2023
MoP167 The Centrality of the Church in Missions - 26 Conclusion
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
This is the last episode of the preview series of a book underdevelopment on the centrality of the church in missions. Please let us know if you're interested in being on the list to be notified when it is published. This episode is the capstone and summary of the main ideas presented in the previous episodes, starting with Ep. # 142. The local church is God's agent to accomplish His will on earth. The local church is central, by design, in missions as per biblical principles and precepts. The local church is the goal of missions ministry, as evidenced in many ways, including the Great Commission.
Let me know how this series affects you, your ministry, and your church.
Notification of publication sign up here.

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
There are people and ministries who identify themselves as "missions mobilizers." We review the need and definition of missions mobilization. Yet, the missing element in most missions mobilization is the neglected role of the sending church. Mobilization would have stronger and better long-term results if more attention was given to developing the mobilization capacity of local churches! The best mobilization is by, with, and through the local church for the end goal of planting local churches among every people group on earth to the glory of Jesus Christ. cf. Eph. 3:8-21
Interested in the publication of this book? Sign up here.
See transcripts of "Missions on Point"

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
What difference does this biblical orientation toward local-church-centric missions make for the missionary training school? There are lots of types of missionary training programs and institutions. Many are quite specific in what things they tackle in missionary training and preparation. Others are traditional Christian colleges and universities with a degree or diploma program specifically aimed at training missionaries. Yet, in light of our study, most do not include a seat at the table for the home or sending church of their student/candidate. This episode talks about fixing that gap. It is essential that some change be made in order to produce the best qualified, most effective, long-term missionaries being sent to bring the Gospel and plant churches among the final frontiers of people groups yet to be reached.
Sign up if you're interested in getting notice about the upcoming publication of the Church-Centric Missions book.
Get transcripts of Missions on Point.

Friday Sep 15, 2023
MoP164 Local Church Centered Missions Implemented - 23 By the Missions Donor
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
We boldly talk to people about their missions giving, especially our beloved generous missions donors. Keep in mind this important principle of biblical local-church-centric ministry philosophy. It shapes the direction, criteria, and relationships of our giving. It has biblical, long-term, and discerning factors involved. Do you want more joy, more genuine long-term results, more spiritual fruit from your kingdom investments? Listen to this podcast and refer it to others.

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
This is a tough paradigm shift for missions agencies. But it must be done if we are to be faithful to God's church on both sides of biblical cross-cultural ministry. When we know the right thing to do, we must do it with determination and grace. So, missions agency, get more focused on the role of the sending local church. Recruit not just individuals but those individuals' churches. Equip, enable, and facilitate the church in sending the best prepared, best sent, best-shepherded missionaries in your agency history. You will not regret it!

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Sooner rather than later, dear missionary candidate and missionary, get your church involved in your missionary development and missions ministry! The stakes are high. If you really want to be faithful and effective long-term on the mission field, you MUST get your home/sending church connected with a true sense of partnership and ownership in your ministry. True, it means giving up some "independence" and "personal rights." But that's way better than burning out! You will love having a solid team of people who love you and are concerned about nurturing your soul as well as your productive ministry on the field. Humility and acceptance on your part will bear rich fruit in your life and ministry. Do it for God's glory!

Why Missions on Point?
Missions on Point is the “propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term “propempo” captures the biblical, local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God’s glory. “Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International under MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Support us at https://bit.ly/Propempo-Operations