Missions on Point
Missions on Point is the ”propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term ”propempo” captures the local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to the challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God‘s glory. ”Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International with MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. See more at https://Propempo.com and https://MissioServe.org Help support the podcast through https://bit.ly/Propempo-Operations

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
It is a delight to read the dramatic narrative of the earliest church growing as the Gospel is faithfully preached in the book of Acts. Luke, the human author guided by the Holy Spirit, weaves in the key figures and moments in church development as their concept of missions was being formed. We see touches with many ethnicities from the beginning of the church in Acts chapter 2, the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The momentum and diversity grow in the subsequent chapters, building toward this Acts 1:8 Great Commission obedience to take the Gospel to all nations, to the end of the earth.

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Christ's last days on earth, His final teachings, instructions, and commands build a consistent crescendo of missions direction. The elements of gospel proclamation to the whole world were repeated themes. We see Christ showing and telling of this missions theme up to his final command, reiterated until his ascension into heaven.

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Perhaps we don't see Christ's ministry to the nations in the Gospels. Perhaps we minimize what we do see. This episode highlights some key observations that show Christ's consistent ministry to Gentiles and teaching that "all nations" are included in God's plan for the Gospel. Jesus' choices, interactions, teachings and instructions, and miracles all point to His extraordinary inclusiveness to all nations. This episode should help open your eyes to see it and be thankful for Christ's ministry to the nations.

Friday Nov 24, 2023
MoP174 Missions Insights from the New Testament - Christ’s Advent
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
We now begin a series of missions insights from the New Testament. Appropriately, we begin with the birth of Christ. Through the record of Christ's birth and the people involved, we see God's clear intent to bring salvation to all nations. This was prophesied in the Old Testament, demonstrated even through the lineage of Jesus, and confirmed by many people connected to His actual Incarnation and young childhood. God is faithful, in Christ, to fulfill his Word to bless all nations through the seed of Abraham.

Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
It is fitting for us to consider Christ in the Old Testament. His life, ministry, death, and resurrection are the basis of the Gospel message of missions. Christ Himself teaches that the whole Old Testament speaks of Him as well as predicts His life and work in God's plans for His glory. So, it is a wonder to behold Him throughout the Old Testament. The Old Testament uses over 100 titles and names for Christ. Particulars of His position, His majesty, His perfections, and His cross-work are pictured, described, and portrayed in many ways. Jesus Himself appears in His pre-incarnate state to individuals in the lives of Old Testament saints. Types or pictures of Christ and of His saving work are modeled or shown to pre-figure His salvation in the Old Testament Scriptures.

Friday Nov 10, 2023
MoP172 Missions Insights from the Old Testament - Jonah, Daniel, Malachi
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
In this episode we take a look at a couple of unique Old Testament missionaries - reluctant Jonah and captive Daniel. We also see God's purposes in the last words of the Old Testament before 400 years of silence until the coming of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. We clearly see God's heart for the nations, His clear purposes to be glorified and worshiped among all nations, and His faithfulness to give spokesmen who proclaim His majesty and greatness no matter the circumstances.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
MoP171 Missions Insights from the Old Testament - Psalm 67, Isaiah, Ezekiel
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Psalm 67 is an outstanding example of a missions Psalm. The key phrases highlight for us how to read and look for God's missions purposes woven throughout the Old Testament. The purpose of God's blessing on His people is so that those resources would be used to draw people from all the earth to acknowledge and worship the one true God. We see similar phrases and usage in the great books of Isaiah and Ezekiel.

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
In our selective insights, we'll look at the purposive statement recorded about the story of David and Goliath. The phrase "that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel" is a key phrase used in various forms to show God's intent to spread His glory to all nations. Jesus reinforces this interpretation with His own statements in Luke 4 and the conduct of His own ministry. We see this repeated phrase, or equivalent, by other leaders and servants of God repeated many times throughout the Old Testament. It is a billboard-sized sign of God's intent to win people from all nations to a right relationship with Him for His glory. Stay tuned for more. Also, check out the book "Missions on Point" here.

Why Missions on Point?
Missions on Point is the “propempo” perspective on church and missions. The New Testament term “propempo” captures the biblical, local church-centered philosophy of missions. Missions on Point communicates paradigm-changing aim, vision, and practical implementation strategies for sending workers to challenging, Gospel-neediest people on earth for long-term service for God’s glory. “Missions on Point” is a ministry of Propempo International under MissioServe Alliance, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Support us at https://bit.ly/Propempo-Operations